High notes of Clarity


I’ve been up since early morning, in the stillness, time in the studio produces focus and clarity.  I’ve been re-reading Love is letting go of fear, by Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., I intuitively turn toward his words, thinking of the contrast: simplicity of stillness and solitude versus connection and complexity.  I am reminded then, as Dr. Jampolsky, states :

” Peace of mind as our single goal is the most potent motivating force we can have. Instead of having a single goal, we are all tempted to try to juggle multiple goals. Juggling can only serve to deflect our focus and increase our conflict.”

Again and again, first within, Peace of mind, my single goal,  then all else.  My moment to moment choice. Then:  High notes of Clarity.

About C a l l a h a n M c D o n o u g h

Artist Floor Cloths Paintings Prints Life Coach Therapist Relationship Coach
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